Students Track

We are excited to invite your school to participate as speakers in our student track at our International Women’s Day Conference 2023 on March 4th. This is a great opportunity for girls in your school to share their experiences and knowledge about technology, and also learn from amazing female speakers working in the industry. Our goal is to empower and inspire young women to pursue careers in the tech industry by highlighting their achievements and encouraging them to continue learning and growing in this field.

Through this track, we are offering a platform for your students to speak for 15 minutes on any topic such as how they learned to code, their experiences in tech competitions, or showcasing their coding projects. In addition, your students will have the opportunity to hear from and interact with accomplished female tech professionals, who can serve as role models and offer valuable insights into the industry.

We believe that this will be an excellent opportunity for your school to support the development of young women in technology, and we would be honored to have your students participate. If you are interested in learning more or would like to join, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.